Jim Northrup: With Reservations
Jim Northrup: With Reservations is a wild trip through Indian Country.
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more or to order the video. Learn more
The Movie at the End of the World is a video vision quest. Click here to see more.
Welcome to thecie dot org. We make poetic media with people of all ages from all over
the world for everyone.
This video spot was created in 1987 by Mike Hazard for the late Amos Owen. It honored the Year of Reconciliation in connection with the Dakota Conflict of 1862. Carrie Schommer speaks the Dakota voiceover. The next annual powwow in Mankato is will be held in Mankato, Minnesota from September 20–22, 2024. For more, visit.
A wild-looking man I don’t know
from Adam begged a ride from the PO
to the Dorothy Day Center. He’s jazzed,
jazzed about a Thanksgiving feast.
With a shock of hair like a thundercloud,
he looks like an old Testament prophet.
He got out and paused next to the window.
Standing so I can’t see his face, I was
blessed for life when a rich voice said,
“This world is not altogether bad.”
Hazard is artist in residence at our Center for International Education.
It’s a collection of poems about people. The writer Freya Manfred writes, “I love the often playful, musical quality which enhances the vital/vivid images of each praise-worthy person. These people are real and the poetry honors them. The poems play off each other well—father, mother, old-timer, uncles—quite wonderful all together in this world, as the book surely lives up to its title.”
Bengt Skoggard writes, "The Whitmanesque humanity shines through. They are simple drops of pure heart.”